Employee Wellbeing
November 30, 2023

Crucial Wellbeing Metrics HR Leaders Must Monitor

Explore the vital wellbeing metrics that HR leaders in the UK should vigilantly track for a thriving and engaged workforce.

Hilda Bahringer
7 minutes

In today's fast-paced and demanding work environment, employee wellbeing is of paramount importance. HR leaders play a critical role in ensuring that employees not only perform at their best but also lead healthy and fulfilling professional lives. To achieve this, HR professionals must monitor several crucial wellbeing metrics. In this article, we will delve into these key metrics that should be on every HR leader's radar.

Introduction: Prioritising Employee Wellbeing

Before we dive into specific metrics, it's essential to emphasise the importance of employee wellbeing in the workplace. A healthy and happy workforce leads to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and better overall company performance. HR leaders are at the forefront of promoting and maintaining employee wellbeing, making it a top priority in any organisation.

1. Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

Employee satisfaction and engagement are the cornerstones of a healthy workplace. HR leaders must regularly measure and assess these factors through surveys and feedback sessions. A satisfied and engaged workforce is more likely to stay committed to their roles and contribute positively to the organisation's success.

1.1 Regular Feedback Mechanisms

Implementing regular feedback mechanisms, such as anonymous surveys and one-on-one discussions, allows HR leaders to gauge employee satisfaction accurately. It also provides employees with an avenue to voice their concerns and suggestions.

1.2 Measuring Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

The eNPS measures employee loyalty and willingness to recommend the company as a great place to work. Monitoring eNPS helps HR leaders understand the level of engagement and satisfaction among employees.

2. Mental Health and Stress Levels

In today's high-pressure work environments, mental health and stress levels are significant concerns. HR leaders should keep a close eye on these metrics to ensure employees' emotional wellbeing.

2.1 Employee Assistance Programs

Offering Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and counselling services can help employees cope with stress and mental health issues. Monitoring the utilization of these programs can provide insights into the workforce's mental health.

2.2 Absenteeism and Presenteeism

Tracking absenteeism (employees not coming to work) and presenteeism (employees attending work while unwell) can reveal the impact of stress and mental health issues on your workforce.

3. Physical Health and Wellness

Physical health is another essential aspect of employee wellbeing. HR leaders should promote and monitor employees' physical health through various initiatives.

3.1 Health and Wellness Programs

Implementing wellness programs, such as fitness challenges and health screenings, can encourage employees to adopt healthier lifestyles. Regular participation metrics can gauge the success of these programs.

3.2 Sick Days and Medical Leaves

Keeping track of sick days and medical leaves can help HR leaders identify trends related to physical health issues within the organisation.

4. Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and personal life is crucial for employee wellbeing. HR leaders should assess and support employees in achieving a healthy work-life balance.

4.1 Flexible Work Arrangements

Offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or flexible hours, can improve work-life balance. Monitor the adoption and impact of these arrangements on employee satisfaction.

4.2 Overtime and Burnout

Monitoring overtime hours and signs of burnout is essential to prevent employees from becoming overworked and stressed.

5. Diversity and Inclusion

A diverse and inclusive workplace fosters a sense of belonging and wellbeing among employees. HR leaders should measure and promote diversity and inclusion efforts.

5.1 Diversity Metrics

Track diversity metrics such as gender, ethnicity, and age within the workforce. Set goals for increasing diversity and monitor progress.

5.2 Inclusion Surveys

Conduct inclusion surveys to assess how included employees feel in the workplace. Use the feedback to improve the company's inclusion initiatives.


In conclusion, HR leaders play a vital role in ensuring the wellbeing of their organization's employees. By monitoring these crucial wellbeing metrics, they can create a healthier, more engaged, and productive workforce. Prioritising employee wellbeing not only benefits the employees themselves but also contributes to the overall success of the organisation.


  1. What is the significance of employee wellbeing in the workplace?
    Employee wellbeing is crucial as it leads to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and better company performance.
  2. How can HR leaders measure employee satisfaction and engagement?
    HR leaders can measure these factors through surveys, feedback sessions, and tools like the eNPS.
  3. What are Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)?
    Employee Assistance Programs are support services provided by employers to help employees cope with personal or work-related challenges.
  4. Why is work-life balance important for employees?
    Work-life balance is essential for employee mental and physical health, as well as overall job satisfaction.
  5. How can HR leaders promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
    HR leaders can promote diversity and inclusion through recruitment strategies, training programs, and fostering an inclusive culture.

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