Employee Wellbeing
August 29, 2023

65 Acronyms for UK HR Professionals

Navigating the world of human resources (HR) can be challenging, especially when confronted with a multitude of acronyms. To assist UK HR professionals, we've compiled a list of 100 common acronyms used in the HR field, along with their explanations.

Hilda Bahringer
7 minutes

Acronyms are an integral part of HR discussions and documents. Understanding these acronyms is crucial for effective communication and decision-making in the HR domain.

List of 100 Acronyms for UK HR Professionals

  1. ACAS: Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service - Provides employment relations advice and support.
  2. ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act - U.S. legislation protecting individuals with disabilities from discrimination.
  3. AETR: Average Earnings Threshold for Pensions - Threshold for automatic enrolment into workplace pension schemes.
  4. AFL: Affirmative Action Law - Legislation promoting equal employment opportunities.
  5. AI: Artificial Intelligence - Technology used in HR for recruitment, analytics, and automation.
  6. APMP: Association of Proposal Management Professionals - Provides resources for proposal and bid professionals.
  7. ATS: Applicant Tracking System - Software used to manage job applications.
  8. BAME: Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic - Describes non-white ethnic backgrounds.
  9. BPSS: Baseline Personnel Security Standard - Checks for individuals working with government departments.
  10. CIPD: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development - A professional body for HR and development.
  11. COBRA: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - U.S. law providing temporary health coverage after job loss.
  12. DBS: Disclosure and Barring Service - Checks individuals' criminal records.
  13. D&I: Diversity and Inclusion - Initiatives to create a diverse and inclusive workforce.
  14. EAP: Employee Assistance Program - Offers confidential support services.
  15. EEA: European Economic Area - Includes EU member states and additional countries.
  16. EEOC: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - U.S. agency enforcing federal laws against workplace discrimination.
  17. EHRC: Equality and Human Rights Commission - Promotes and enforces equality laws.
  18. EO: Employee Onboarding - Process of integrating new employees into the organisation.
  19. EORI: Economic Operator Registration and Identification - Required for trading goods with non-EU countries.
  20. ER: Employee Relations - Focuses on managing employer-employee relationships.
  21. ESG: Environmental, Social, and Governance - Factors considered in ethical investing.
  22. FMLA: Family and Medical Leave Act - U.S. law providing unpaid leave for specific reasons.
  23. GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation - EU regulation for protecting personal data.
  24. GRI: Global Reporting Initiative - Provides sustainability reporting standards.
  25. H&S: Health and Safety - Focuses on workplace health and safety regulations.
  26. HRIS: Human Resources Information System - Software for managing HR data.
  27. I-9: Employment Eligibility Verification Form - U.S. document verifying employee identity and eligibility to work.
  28. ILO: International Labour Organisation - Promotes international labor standards and social protection.
  29. IR35: Off-Payroll Working Rules - Determines employment status for tax purposes.
  30. ISO: International Organisation for Standardization - Develops and publishes international standards.
  31. ITN: Invitation to Negotiate - Requests vendors to submit proposals for products or services.
  32. JSA: Job Seeker's Allowance - UK government benefit for job seekers.
  33. KPI: Key Performance Indicator - Measures organisational performance.
  34. L&D: Learning and Development - Focuses on employee skills and knowledge improvement.
  35. LGBTQ+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and more - Describes sexual and gender diversity.
  36. LOA: Leave of Absence - Temporary time off from work.
  37. LOI: Letter of Intent - Expresses intention to enter into a contract.
  38. M&A: Mergers and Acquisitions - Processes of merging or acquiring companies.
  39. MBTI: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - Personality assessment tool.
  40. MBO: Management by Objectives - Approach to performance management.
  41. MDA: Moving, Disturbance, and Travel Allowance - Compensation for relocating employees.
  42. NDA: Non-Disclosure Agreement - Contract outlining confidentiality obligations.
  43. NHS: National Health Service - Public healthcare system in the UK.
  44. OHS: Occupational Health and Safety - Focuses on workplace health and safety.
  45. OT: Overtime - Additional hours worked beyond regular working hours.
  46. PAYE: Pay As You Earn - System for deducting income tax and national insurance contributions from salaries.
  47. PPE: Personal Protective Equipment - Gear to protect employees from workplace hazards.
  48. PTO: Paid Time Off - Leaves that are paid, including vacation, sick, and holiday leave.
  49. QWL: Quality of Work Life - Focuses on employee wellbeing and satisfaction.
  50. R&D: Research and Development - Activities aimed at innovation and improvement.
  51. RACI: Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed - A matrix for clarifying roles and responsibilities.
  52. ROI: Return on Investment - Measures the profitability of investments.
  53. SME: Small and Medium-sized Enterprise - Business classification based on size and revenue.
  54. SPHR: Senior Professional in Human Resources - A certification for experienced HR professionals.
  55. SSP: Statutory Sick Pay - UK government benefit for employees unable to work due to illness.
  56. T&D: Training and Development - Activities focused on enhancing employee skills.
  57. TUC: Trades Union Congress - Represents workers and promotes their rights.
  58. TUPE: Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations - Protects employee rights during business transfers.
  59. UAT: User Acceptance Testing - Final testing before implementing systems or software.
  60. UKVI: UK Visas and Immigration - Manages immigration applications and policies.
  61. VAT: Value Added Tax - A consumption tax added to goods and services.
  62. VPN: Virtual Private Network - Secure network connection for remote access.
  63. WTR: Working Time Regulations - UK legislation on working hours and rest periods.
  64. X&Y: These letters are awaiting suitable HR-related terms or acronyms in the context of this list.
  65. ZAP: Zero Accident Program - Focuses on workplace safety.


Acronyms are a common part of HR conversations. This list of 100 acronyms will help UK HR professionals navigate their field more effectively, improving communication and understanding.

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